Thursday, 28 February 2013

Completely Hand made business cards!

A little while ago I made a silly mistake on the lino stamp but you know you live and learn and so I recarved it using a giant rubber which was much softer to work with however don't do it while you are watching tv because rubber is so soft, it is so easy to make a unreturnable mistake! Unfortunately it is still slighly imperfect for me since I am a stubborn virgo! But I am happy anyway, hope its readable!! I am ready for tmr!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

More oil painting-Finished painting 02

Okay, weekend was really really busy so I didn't post anything, I actually started a new painting this monday but I am guessing I need to post the last finished piece! So what do we think? I made the background too eye catching leaving him feel a bit more set back, I fatten out his legs again and his face looks a little funny. Why do I always fatten out legs I don't quite know!
At the moment I am only painting what I see rather than painting what I want to see, so I guess the next stage would be to think about the colour scheme for the whole painting such as maybe use a bit of purple on the cloth as it would compliment the yellows and maybe the yellow didn't need to be so warm!
Oh well overall I am just pleased to have made some progress since the beginning:)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Sheepy clothes

Just saw this on dailymail , they don't like it, actually I think it's really fun:D
I'd like to walk around like a sheep hehe!

Oil painting number 2 week 1 & 2

This is now week 4 and 5 of my painting class, we started a new painting with a different model. I got a canvas that is twice the size of my last one this time so I will find it easier. 

I think either I am starting to understand what's happening or the size of the canvas really helped, I think it went pretty well. So my approach was only using burnt amber to map out the whole painting and note down the shadow and light area for the second week. I struggled with the legs again and tutor Anastasia Pollard had to help me find the knees. She is quite impressed that I got most things pretty much right this time and said I was miles away from where I was with my last one.

Coming into the second week of this painting here, I was quite confused with getting the palete right as usual but I think in the end I somehow understood how the colours work. The things to remeber are shadows are a bit green and when you lighen up a shadow you can use yellow but too green will look strange. It's just a better option instead of white 
because it can be a bit much sometimes!

Even tho the spot light on the model is white is infact blue? Which is why the shadows should be a bit green. It was kind of strange for me when I understood how to draw the dark areas but confused with the midtones. Anastia then said it should be a bit green, so this puddle I made on the palette was almost like ducks poo. However I tried it on the thigh area anyway but wow it fitted in so well and you cannot even tell it is green at all! These classes are pretty short in a way but I am always suprised how much I have done when I compare the before and after!!

Next lesson I will work on the midtones, hightlights and avoid doing weird dark outlines as my good friend said I don't believe they exist in real life! Try to break reality and use values to differentiate depth.

He also shown me some homework he's been doing on his course, where he's draw a human head figure using just burnt amber with solvent, and then burnt amber with white. So that he understands his equipment. I really should do something like that too:)

Monday, 11 February 2013

Rubber stamp business card making

First of all! Gung hay fat choi! and Happy Lunar new Snake year!

On this big day for chinese new year yet miserable rainy day, the day after a long day of deep clean at home ~ the belief of removing all the bad from last year to welcome the new. Me and my boyfriend are so exhausted today, so I decided to work on my blog while he work on his new game

So you may have noticed my new updated banner and background! Would love to make a more sweet looking one in the future too! And the little gadgets etc!

So after spending a while doing that , I decided to extend the fun! And decided to make a stamp for my business cards! Oh that sounds like fun! Until I finished! YES! Only when I finished, and when I tried it out! I realised how stupid I have been....

Shock horror!! o__o!! classic school boy error! And I didn't even make this mistake the first time round!!! What do I do now..... cries T__T...

And just as I slumped tiredly distressed on the sofa (does this sentence sound right?), my boyfriend cheered me up by saying:

" Everyone makes mistakes, thats why they put rubber on the end of pencil." HA HA!
They should also make ctrl z on crafting knifes!
P.S it was so beautiful at this stage...

Also I got the idea of doing it because of this tweet, thanks +MAKE 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Laughing at the clouds

I finally put a nice image together for my donation for the Art Vs Cancer Charity Art exibition / auction!

Please come along for your chance to a piece of any of these art work and more!

for more info please visit:

I will talk about how I made him in my next post:)
Thanks for looking!